How to make a poll on TikTok and put a poll?
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How to make a poll on TikTok and put a poll?

How to make a poll on TikTok and put a poll?

If you’re a TikTok user and looking to engage with your audience by creating a poll, you’re in luck! TikTok offers a built-in feature that allows you to create and add a poll to your videos. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making a poll on TikTok.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Poll on TikTok

Here are the steps you need to follow to create a poll on TikTok:

Step 1: Open TikTok App

The first step is to open the TikTok app on your mobile device.

Step 2: Create a Video

Create a video as you would normally do, by tapping the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen and recording or uploading a video.

Step 3: Access Effects

Once you have created or uploaded your video, tap on the “Effects” button on the bottom left corner of the screen.

Step 4: Find Poll Feature

Scroll through the effects and select the “Poll” feature. This will bring up the poll editing screen.

Step 5: Add Question and Options

Add the question you want to ask in your poll and the options for your viewers to choose from. You can add up to two options.

Step 6: Position Poll

Position the poll where you want it to appear on your video. You can drag and drop the poll to reposition it.

Step 7: Preview and Edit

Preview your video with the poll and make any necessary edits. You can make changes to the poll question, options, and position.

Step 8: Post Your Video

Once you’re satisfied with your video and poll, tap on the “Next” button to post your video.

Tips for Creating a Poll on TikTok

Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating a poll on TikTok:

  • Make sure your poll question is clear and concise.
  • Keep your poll options simple and easy to understand.
  • Use the poll feature to ask your audience for feedback on your content or to get their opinions on a particular topic.
  • Position your poll in a way that’s not too distracting from your video’s main content.


  1. What is a poll on TikTok? A poll is a feature on TikTok that allows creators to ask their audience a question with two answer options. Viewers can vote on the options presented in the poll.
  2. Can anyone create a poll on TikTok? Yes, anyone with a TikTok account can create a poll for their video.
  3. How many options can I add to a poll on TikTok? You can add up to two answer options to a poll on TikTok.
  4. Can I edit my poll after posting it? No, once you’ve posted a video with a poll, you can’t edit the poll. You can delete the video and create a new one with an edited poll.
  5. Can I see who voted in my TikTok poll? No, TikTok does not reveal who voted in your poll. You can only see the overall number of votes and the percentage of votes for each option.
  6. Can I change the position of the poll in my video? Yes, you can drag and drop the poll to reposition it in your video.
  7. How can I make my poll stand out in my video? Try positioning the poll in a way that’s not too distracting from your video’s main content. You can also use eye-catching colors or fonts to make the poll more noticeable.
  8. Can I create a poll for a live video on TikTok? No, you cannot create a poll for a live video on TikTok. Polls can only be added to pre-recorded videos.
  9. Can I add a poll to someone else’s TikTok video? No, you cannot add a poll to someone else’s TikTok video. You can only create a poll for your own videos.
  10. How can I use the feedback from my TikTok poll? You can use the feedback from your TikTok poll to understand your audience’s preferences and interests. This can help you create content that resonates with your audience and improves engagement on your account.


Creating a poll on TikTok is a fun and interactive way to engage with your audience and get their opinions on a particular topic. By following the steps outlined in this article and keeping our tips in mind, you can easily create and add a poll to your TikTok videos. So, give it a try and see how your viewers respond!

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